Training Guides & Books
Training Guides & Manuals
Training Guides & Manuals
For trainers and also for dedicated practitioners who might wish to further their skills and development.
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Guides/manuals in areas such as the following: Relaxation & Mindfulness Skills; Stress Awareness & Management; Meditation & Creative Visualisation; Reiki & Energy Healing; Spiritual Journey & Intuition; Personal Development using Cognitive-Emotional-Behavioural Techniques; Anatomy & Physiology for Therapists; Yoga Session Planning.
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Coming soon!
Titles in areas such as the following: Relaxation; Meditation & Mindfulness; Self-Hypnosis; Healing & Self-Healing; Science of Healing; Neuroscience for Therapists; Anatomy & Physiology for Therapists; Personal Development; Stress & Anxiety Management; Spiritual Development; Gentle, Restorative & Therapeutic Yoga.
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