Personal Intuitive Readings
Angel Card Readings
Angel oracle and Angel tarot card readings are provided in written form, and can be supplied as a pdf (or Word) document by email or as a hard-copy document by post. You can request a General Reading (eg. “What do my Angels and Guides want me to know at this time?”) or an answer to a Specific Question or Situation in a particular life area (eg. Relationships/ Romance; Health/ Healing; Work/ Career/ Life Purpose; or other areas).
For further information regarding Angel oracle or Angel tarot card readings, please contact us via the Contact Form (see “Contact” page or see right). Your reader, Anelize, is a spiritual intuitive and counsellor, empathic healer, Certified Angel Card ReaderTM (trained by Doreen Virtue PhD and Radleigh Valentine at Hayhouse.com), and Certified Angel IntuitiveTM (trained by Doreen Virtue PhD and Charles Virtue at Hayhouse.com).
Please Note
Angel oracle and Angel tarot card readings and advice are for insight only. No readings will be given to any persons considered to be vulnerable or impressionable, including anyone under the age of 18 years. Any information given should not be considered a substitute for medical, financial, legal, psychological or other specialist advice.
To Request A Reading
To request a reading, please use the Contact Form (see “Contact” page or see above right). Indicate whether you require a General Reading or whether you would like me to address a Specific Question or Situation or Issue (please provide a brief statement of this). Please provide your full name, your full street address, date of birth, gender, phone number(s), and email address (please check that these are correct). Please state whether you prefer to receive your reading as a) an email attachment (pdf file/written document), or b) a hard-copy (written) document in the post. (If you are using the printed Order Form instead of the Contact Form – see below – please supply the above information on the Order Form.)
You can download the Order Form here:
Personal Reading Order Form v3b 130719
After contacting us, please wait for a reply (usually email) to ensure that I am currently available and able to carry out your reading promptly. Once you have received confirmation from me that I am able to go ahead with your reading, please pay for your reading via the Shop (click on the “Personal Reading” image, then click “Add to basket”, and follow the payment instructions). You can pay by credit or debit card or via your PayPal account if you have one.
Alternatively, you can pay by cheque. If you prefer this option, please go to the Shop (see “Order Forms”) and download and print off the pdf “Personal Reading Order Form”. (If you experience any problems with downloading or printing the Order Form, please contact us via the Contact Form and we can email or post one to you.) Complete the Personal Reading Order Form, providing the information outlined above. Please enclose your cheque with your Order Form (made out as advised on the form) and post to the address indicated on the form.
If for any reason there may be a delay in providing your reading, you will be notified of this by email. If any such delay is unacceptable to you, or if for any reason I am unable to supply your reading to you, any monies cashed will be returned/refunded to you, or your cheque will be returned to you or voided.